Monday, June 22, 2009

Toe Food?

to-food scramble
Originally uploaded by mandy&john
It has been raining for nearly two weeks now and all we're getting from our farm share is greens. Thursday, we didn't get a single thing that wasn't a leaf of some sort. Apparently nothing is ripening. We went strawberry picking on Saturday, and the berries just were not that sweet.

In an effort to get rid of some vegetation from the fridge, we had a tofu scramble with beet greens and pak choi for breakfast this morning.

Chris: "What kind of food is this?"

Mandy: " It's a tofu scramble."

Chris: "Toe-food? OK."

He dug right in. At some point he stopped, held up some pak choi, and asked what it was. When he had his answer, he continued eating.

When he was an infant, we started him on baby food a couple months before it was recommended. Maybe it contributed to his allergies and maybe it's made him a more adventurous eater. Then again, maybe not. But I am thrilled that I can put a plate of something totally new in front of him and all he needs is a name for it and he's good to go.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Raspberries and Ice Cream

We had an early dinner yesterday and the weather was nice, so we went to get ice cream at the local shop. We picked some berries up for Alex on the way, since dairy is out for the moment. He seemed pretty happy with the deal. The biggest problem was keep Chris from stealing them all.

Alex is 1!

alex in the barn
Originally uploaded by mandy&john
Alex turned one last Thursday. Kristen (who shares his birthday) made a cake for Thursday playgroup. The official party was Satruday, although there were more kids on Thursday. We reserved the picnic tables at Sweetwilliam farm in Upton.

It was a pretty low key affair. The farm offered homemade ice cream and a tour of the stables and chicken yard. This is a picture of Alex with (or at least, near) Sweet William himself.

All the grandparents came and Mandy made great carrot cake cupcakes that everyone could eat. It was a nice day. The few pictures I took are up on Flickr.