All is well here in Hopedale. Alex is asleep in my lap after having just finished a bottle, so I'm going to turn in soon, too. Oops...urp. We just uploaded a bunch of pictures from the last week. There are a bunch of good shots of both
Chris and
Chris has taken the new arrival very well. Too well, possibly. He really wants to help out, but has been frustrated because there are few ways a 1.5 year-old can help with a 1.5 week-old. He tried to pick hip up out of the car seat this evening. He's been trying to help Mandy off the couch by pulling on her arms. He's still clumsy the, though, and I'm saying "no" or "careful" too him too much. The poor kid is a bit frazled.
We did get to the zoo today, though. I'll have those pictures up later. In the meantime here are a couple of my favorites from last week.